Wednesday, June 23, 2010 - A Great Free Tool

Want to change your health? Need information on how to loose weight? Need base information on a specific problem? Need something simple like a Vegan recipe? Want to watch a yoga "how to" video? Need some good tools to keep track of your daily caloric intake, exercise and/or water consumption? Need other folks who are in the "same boat" to encourage you? is the place to be and it is free (yes, there is a "gold membership" but I've yet to need anything beyond the zillions of things you can access for free!)

My favorite tool is MyPlate, a great place to keep up with daily caloric intake, water consumption and exercise. You start by putting in your goal of how much weight you would like to loose in a week (and it won't allow you to put more than is healthy for you!) and then enter everything you eat during the day (and yes "there's an app for that!). You enter what exercise you did and your water consumption. It figures everything else out for you ... here's an example of one of MyPlate pages: (I obviously didn't finish filling out the day!) (Note: Sorry, I realized that was a link to "me" logged in .. I replaced it with a generic MyPlate page - sorry!)

You can join a group and take a dare: ... and, yes you can track your daily victories in a dare too!

Read an article:

Or watch that yoga video:

It is a wonderful place to hang out, read information (more than I'll ever be able to read) and keep track of yourself (I obviously need to get back to it myself!)

So go for it buddies -- take a dare, improve yourself!

Thank you, Lance Armstrong, Chris Brewer AND all the other staff it takes to keep this website running ... also thanks to all the experts that give their time to the articles and videos!

... as the warning always goes -- check with your doctor before starting any exercise program or any other "big" changes!

1 comment:

  1. As one of the lurkers out here, I am going straight to the site. Thx Char. (I haven't commented because I didn't want to mess up your blog, but I am reading along with lots of others. Clydene Chinetti
