Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day Trip: Geocaching and Dinosaur Footprints - McCamey, Texas

On Highway 385 between McCamey, Texas and Fort Stockton, Texas (about 30 miles south of McCamey at a Rest Area), you can go a'caching and a'dino hunting at the same time (see where the smiley face is on the map - screenshot from Geocaching).  There are several caches at this rest area - along with the footprints of three-toed dinosaurs.

The footprints are about 1 foot across and 1-1/2 feet long (at least).

In the past there were some folks, who didn't think anything of extracting the footprints and taking them home (via jackhammers from what I've been told) - the footprints are now in a cage, for their protection.
Our most recent trip to the footprints was just after it had rained (alot) and we saw all sorts of pretty flowers (are these evening primrose -- I love taking flower photos, I need to learn their proper names) and lots of other very interesting critters (millipedes, bees, ants).

It seemed the critters liked having the rains too (see the bee taking a drink, along side the millipede)!
There was also evidence of critters we didn't see, anyone into identifying scat?
So much vegetation happily co-exists.

These little guys - about quarter size - had I not been paying attention, I could have squashed.

There are picnic tables at this rest area, which makes this little day trip a nice excursion - pack a lunch, see some dino tracks, various vegetation and lots-o-critters ... explore the Ghost Town of Girvin, Horsehead Crossing and/or even Fort Stockton -- but those are "another story."

These tiny footprints in the mud were "around the corner" at the Ghost Town of Girvin (not the "watering hole" for people) but at the actual "town" of Girvin ... we all know who they belong too - yes?!
Thanks for coming along on this little trip - I hope you go and enjoy!


  1. Where do you find this stuff Charzy?? Too cool!

  2. :-) hee, hee Doug - Random is my brain, random is the game ... actually these are mostly common knowledge of West Texas, even though there are no markers and only a small museum (rarely open) to the dinos of the area in McCamey -- also, more people have found them since geocachers found the area.

    1. My Father, Dee Culp of Pecos, Tx, found these tracks in the spring of 1965.
      I have some great pictures and facts concerning these tracks.

    2. I am writing a blog post about the tracks if you have extra information you'd like to exchange for the post I would greatly appreciate it. I can be reached at

  3. Fun! 'cept for the creepy looking millipedey looking guy.. other than him.. FUN! :D

  4. I hope you can share more amazing pictures
