Monday, January 17, 2011

Biscotti Wonderings

Okay, this past Friday, as Neal and I hung out for 1 hour between an x-ray and the Dr. visit - we hit up the Starbucks joint in the hospital (I know, I know - you’re shocked!) Neal had a hot chocolate AND a cheese strudel muffin ... he was surprised when I told him he could have a “bad” snack :-) and I had a bold coffee and a chocolate chip biscotti (and I believe there was actually ONE chocolate chip in the entire biscotti - let’s face it every now and then ya just gotta!)

As I was dunking the biscotti into the coffee and enjoying the wonderful combination ... “nom, nom, nom, nom” ... the thought occurred to me:  “Okay, who was the first person who had a stale piece of bread and decided to dunk it in a beverage in order to eat it?”

(BTW - I'm sad the green Starbucks Coffee circle is going away -- but, I guess everyone has to "evolve"!)

Then it occurred to me, I knew nothing of the history of the biscotti! So, yes -- to Google I went, well after I got home and “oh” a day later :-)!

According to Wikipedia -- which sometimes gets information correct :-)

  • “Biscotti” is the only traditional name, which in the Italian language is the plural form of biscotto. The word originates from the medieval Latin word biscoctus, meaning “twice-cooked/baked. It defined oven baked goods that were baked twice, so they were very dry and could be stored for long periods of time. Pliny the Elder boasted that such goods would be edible for centuries. Such nonperishable food was particularly useful during journeys and wars, and twice baked breads were a staple food of the Roman Legions. 
.... um “edible for centuries” ... think about that one for a while! So, then the thought in my brain was: “Okay, who thought of ‘I’ll take this freshly baked loaf of bread, split it open and cook it again, so it will be edible for centuries.” ..... discovery by accident? Poor Legions!

..... and this is just ... well -- would you bite into this biscuit?! Oldest Ship Bisquit
Seems like whoever first came up with the idea, it spread to other countries, who also had forms of “biscotti” ... hardtack is a staple “we” as American recognize.

So next time you dip a yummy little hardened “stick” into your coffee/tea/wine and enjoy it -- think of the Roman Legions -- bet you never thought you would have much in common with them!

Great Recipe Page Joy of Baking -- definitely, I’m going to give baking biscotti a go at the ‘ole homestead, I mean okay ... if they last for centuries, I figure make more than a few batches and I’ll be good to go for supper at least ‘til the end of 2011!!!


  1. I'd say fruitcake might be the modern version of Pliny's idea...if only they were edible. ;-)

  2. Can't say that coffee (Starbucks or anyone else for that matter) does much for me, but I do love Starbucks' Apple Fritter!

  3. Jac = ROFL !!! Rod, so you probably don't chew on biscotti 'eh? :-)

  4. One day your brain is going to jus' esplode! :)))
