1. Twitter - period - Twitter you actually suck, why do you not always work for me - where do you hide the "mouseover" options under my followers names, why do you decided sometimes simply to make me type that @whoever before I can type a message back to them.
2. That I cannot "get over" Twitter, it is a better "quick" news source than Facebook - or it used to be! Now that everyone in the world of Twit feels they need to Retweet everything about everybody to people who are not interested in those people OR I WOULD BE FOLLOWING THEM MYSELF.
3. That Facebook has made the option of actually responding with section breaks a thing of the past ... enter to enter the comment --- come on Facebook, you so encourage bad things.
4. The fact that I could NOT play Zuma Blitz first thing this AM -- come on Pop Cap you should never have anything break down! I mean don't you know I'm addicted to that game?
5. That I am so addicted to Zuma Blitz.
6. People who don't trust me and live by a different standard of what they do and what they expect you to do -- very irritating -- time to "clean house" and not worry about it anymore.
7. The fact that yesterday it was 90F, windy and sunny and today it is 46F (40F with windchill), windy and moist -- yet we will get no rain -- and today was Yoga in the Park day.
8. The fact that Tom Zirbel's sanction was cut down to six months .... I like Tom, don't get me wrong .... what irritates me is the "reason" his sanction was cut short .... Tom did not receive a shortened sentence because a certain punk is getting off scot-free with a bending of the "zero tolerance" rule ... but "because he aided the agency in two separate anti-doping cases." Fine, let's add snitch to convicted doper. (For any non-cycling friend reading this one "the agency" is the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency.
9. The fact that it is taking forever to: a) get my house clean, b) get my body slimmer - because it refuses no matter what I do, c) for my left knee - is still jacked up from Oklahoma - to heal, AND d) that I desperately need a vacation and Mouse World is still 52 days away.
10. The fact that I'm now feeling all "whinny" and have been out-of-sorts all day -- really sucks the life out of me ... I must take steps to remedy this - because I like positivity better, it gives off much better energy and a prettier aura!
Excuse me, I'm going to go have some cheese with my whine now
Funny but "Rainy Days and Mondays" always cheers me up, such a talent lost to the world.
Hang in there Char!
ReplyDeleteThanks Rod - the day was culminating into a GIANT pity party ... so I just let it explode in a blog - I'm sure everyone will be glad I shared!
ReplyDeleteI can so relate. I just ranted along as I read. :-)
ReplyDelete:-) YIPPIE - a group rant!
ReplyDeleteMissed this... Group rant it is... I adore Tom too. That he was suspended esta ridiculo! (sorry for Spanish interjections here) Wish I could tell these geniuses to kiss my behinney for their reason for letting him off early.. scumbags. and may I add... besa mi behinney. Is it time for a little carne Español style?
ReplyDeleteok done with my rant.. almost.. Alberto, besa mi behinnney.
... and si, I DO feel better. ;)
ReplyDeleteC ... great add to the group rant! :-)