Monday, May 2, 2011

Some Beauty in an Ugly World

An absolute bit of beauty in a rather ugly world, came my way this evening the form of the Russian National Ballet Theatre's Sleeping Beauty.  The photos in this blog are mine and the only ones that turned out half-way decent :-) (lots of light blobs there were) ... it was announced that there should be no flash photography, which - I used no flash ... now I read in the program (which I didn't read before), there should have been no photography -- well, I'm not selling these three, they are only for my personal enjoyment (and I promise never to do it again!) 

"Oh No" it is the Queen and her minions - the minions were so animated and engaged, loved watching them!

Ah - the things I could say about evil and the minions -- but I won't!

About the only time "they" stood still long enough to not be blurry!

Okay, I believe it was long 'bout this photo that I actually hit my girlfriend (actually sis'ta!) in the arm with my arm ... seems like every time "they" raised their arms *points to the Lilac Fairy on the right* my arms/hands wanted to react also .. even though I've not danced ballet in while, seems like I still have the muscle memory :-) my toes and muscles hurt by the end of the ballet!

Ssssshhhhhhhh, she's sleeping!

I found myself right at first over-analyzing the dancers and realized I was watching their feet and noticing the times some missed getting all the way on pointe, some whose pointe shoes were just on the verge of being worthless (I actually liked mine the best just at the point before they broke!)  ... anyway, I had to slap myself back to why I was there .. to WATCH a ballet - so into watching it I went.

AND was sucked in "hook, line and sinker" the dancers were beautiful, the costumes were beautiful, the music (of course) was beautiful, the set was beautiful ... I felt the joy and happiness, I felt the sadness when Aurora fell to the Queen's deception ... and against the joy of Prince Charming's true love to the happy ending.

Not much of anything written here, but I wanted to share Sleeping Beauty's ... well beauty with you -- I have decided I want to live in a fairy tale (OH WAIT 18 days 8 hours and I will be in the ultimate fairy tale, that'll do!)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Wore yourself out did you? I say buy the pointe shoes... dance around the house or yard, or both...wear a gorgeous hat with some beautiful flowers in it and everyone will just think you're colorful!
