Monday, October 18, 2010

10 Weird Things!

Okay, since a blogger should try to blog regularly (and it has been a week since my poor brain has had a random thought) I scounted around on the internet for some strange stuff.  Here's a bit of what I found:

1.  While sitting at your desk make clockwise circles with your right foot. (Go ahead no one will see you.) While doing this, draw the number “6″ in the air with your right hand.  Your foot will change direction!  Even if you tell your brain "NO" ... it still does it (OR) it messes up the way you drawn the number "6"!

2.   It is said that just thinking about your muscles could make you stronger -- my kind of exercise!

3.  The human heart creates enough pressure while pumping to squirt blood 30 feet!  (Anyone gonna volunteer to test this one?)

4.  After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp.  (I personally think this is because after eating too much - one is usually asleep!)

5.  Tiger shark embryos fight each other in their mother's womb.  The survivor is born.  (Not sure whether to believe this one or not, but it totally MIGHT make sense!)

6.  There are as many chickens on the earth, as there are humans.  (I'm just still laughing about this one, true or not ... I guess we can be glad that chickens aren't of higher intelligence .. and power hungry!)

7.  A "geep" is the offspring of a sheep and a goat.  (Okay really?!  I suppose, Googled it and they say it is true!)

8.  Giraffes can't swim.  (Questionable: Gerald .. they had to be drinking, right?!)

9.  The average person's left hand does more than 50% of the typing.  (Well, heck yeah ... that's where the a, e, d, r, t, c, s ... et al. the important letters are!)

10.  Astronauts are banned from eating beans because passing wind in a spacesuit can damage it.  (Allllrighteeeee then ... I'll leave it on that remark!)

Well that's all for now Buddies, have a wonderful week!


  1. Scounted = scouted ... "why yes, I do type for a living - why do you ask?!" :-) ROFL

  2. Had no idea you blogged. How splendid. I am now bloglisting you at my blog ( even though you may have no interest at all in things vintage. Oh! And this is Claire BTW, Google will tell you I am Roze.

    My sister and I were tiger sharks. It was a draw.
